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Writing the Layers Self-Discovery Workbook

Writing the Layers Self-Discovery Workbook

Discover mindfulness techniques with self-discovery writing exercises to create a transformative guide especially for women seeking greater self-awareness, inner peace, and focus.
Value: $10.79
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Hi, I'm GG Renee and I’m a writer who believes in awkward honesty, making mistakes, and trusting your journey. Thank you for purchasing the Health and Wellness Super Stack including the Writing the Layers Self-Discovery Workbook! Writing for self-discovery is an act of self-care that is accessible to everyone. Life is beautiful and complicated and it's important that we develop healthy and creative ways to process it all. My best advice to you as you start this journey is to remember your why, because you’re going to need it. When you sit down to write, your mind will fill with other things you could or should be doing. Every piece of resistance in you will rise up and make noise just to keep you from writing as you’ve planned. So remember why you want to spend this time with yourself, why it’s important and what you want to get out of the practice. For more writings and resources to help you heal, evolve, and thrive through the practice of writing and expression, please visit me at With love and encouragement, GG Renee
GG Renee Hill
Author of "Self-Care Check-in Guided Journal", founder of, advocate for Self-Discovery and Storytelling.

Product description

Discover mindfulness techniques with self-discovery writing exercises that create greater self-awareness, inner peace, and focus.
Explore a powerful writing technique that reveals the hidden beliefs, themes, and stories that shape your life. If you are seeking greater self-awareness, inner alignment, and focus, this workbook will help you identify patterns, discover personal truths, and address limiting beliefs that are in the way, so your unique perspective can be revealed and elevated.
Make writing a creative outlet, a self-care practice, and a tool for personal growth and gain:

  • Mindfulness exercises to increase awareness of limiting beliefs and fears.
  • Tools for understanding what drives your habits, behaviors, and desires.
  • How to position creative writing as a healing self-care practice and use it as a tool for manifestation and transformation.

This newly updated 2021 workbook is available exclusively through this Super Stack!
Express yourself in writing and find true authenticity with GG Renee Hill’s “Writing the Layers Self-Discovery Workbook”.

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Lifetime Access
Expire date:
November 24, 2021
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