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Scrappy Rough Draft & Strategic Series Author

Scrappy Rough Draft & Strategic Series Author

Our Creative Academy Guides for Writers will help get you from thinking about writing a book to becoming a successful author.
Value: $11.98
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Donna Barker & Crystal Hunt
Co-founders of The Creative Academy for Writers, successful indie romance authors, and cheerleaders of fellow creators.

Product description

How to go from thinking about writing a book to becoming a successful author.

From writing a first draft to planning your author career and all the craft steps in between, these two hands-on guides provide authors at all stages with real world examples, actionable exercises and current resources to get and keep you moving forward with your writing.

“Scrappy Rough Draft” connects behavioral science to the habits and mindsets that successful authors use to overcome self-sabotage and finish their first, second, and final drafts.

“Strategic Series Author” helps you develop a system to track series details, decide on a publishing strategy to maximize return on your time and energy, and get the most bang for your buck when it comes to marketing and promotion.

Get the maps for your writing success with the Creative Academy Guides for Writers by Donna Barker & Crystal Hunt.

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Expire date:
November 24, 2021
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