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Fast-Draft Your Memoir: Write Your Life Story in 45 Hours

Fast-Draft Your Memoir: Write Your Life Story in 45 Hours

Your roadmap to complete the memoir you've dreamed about writing.
Value: $5.99
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Thanks for picking up a copy of this Super Stack. I hope you get a ton of value out of my contribution. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.
Rachael Herron
Bestselling author and podcaster, inspiring teacher, unrepentant napper

Product description

Your roadmap to complete the memoir you’ve dreamed about writing.

Writing a memoir is daunting! Even if you’re the expert on your life, narrating and organizing your own experiences in the best way can feel impossible.

Now you can learn from bestselling memoirist Rachael Herron (who teaches this at Stanford) how to fast-draft your memoir while keeping its structure compelling.


  • How to frame your life’s story and give it a natural arc to keep your reader glued to the page.
  • How to handle the family and friends you’re writing about.
  • Explore what truth means in memoir and quiet the inner critic.

Learn how to get your words on the page with Rachael Herron’s Fast-Draft Your Memoir: Write Your Life Story in 45 Hours.

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Lifetime Access
Expire date:
November 23, 2022
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