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Your Today Story: The 2-Minute Morning Manifestation Ritual For Abundance

Your Today Story: The 2-Minute Morning Manifestation Ritual For Abundance

Access the 2-minute manifestation ritual and unlock faster progress towards goals, increased prosperity, and more happiness in your life.
Value: $550.00
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Thank you so much for joining me in Your Today Story!
Gina Kershaw
JD, MBA, Best-Selling Author, Motivational Speaker, Founder of Your Today Story™️, Mindvalley Certified Business Coach, and Creator of the 2-Minute Morning Manifestation Ritual for Abundance featured at Alt Summit

Product description

Unlock faster progress towards goals, increased prosperity, and more happiness in your life with this powerful 2-minute morning manifestation.

Take advantage of newly-confirmed brain science that condenses meditation techniques into a 2-minute morning manifestation ritual. You’ll get all the benefits of intentional meditation and affirmations without having to find a quiet place for 30-60 minutes each day. This transformational program teaches in just 6 weeks how to manifest a more abundant life so that you can get unstuck and on track to a future that is aligned with everything you desire.

Expect to:

  • See things and situations differently and attract new opportunities and ideas
  • Feel better about your life almost immediately
  • Easily manifest abundance, health, relationships, and more!

PLUS! Get 2 bonuses: the Core Values Masterclass and the New Entrepreneur Phrasebook

Transform your life into the one you want with Gina Kershaw’s Your Today Story: The 2-Minute Morning Manifestation Ritual For Abundance

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Level of Access:
Lifetime Access
Expire date:
August 23, 2023
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