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Fast-Track Your Book! 222 Book Types For Building Your Business & Brand That Require Less Writing

Fast-Track Your Book! 222 Book Types For Building Your Business & Brand That Require Less Writing

Unleash your brand with the ultimate book blueprint for business growth.
Value: $65.00
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Carol Abrahamson
Biz-building book & book awards expert, award-winning author of 42 nonfiction books, and founder of Executive Authors

Product description

Unleash your brand with the ultimate book blueprint for business growth.

Build your brand and business by unlocking the heart of your brand’s story in your next book. It’s like having a business strategist and a writing coach all rolled into one, ensuring your book is infused with your growth goals from the get-go.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Create a book that mirrors your business ambitions
  • Define your book’s role in your business, and have the drive to see it through
  • Write a title that turns heads and discover solid strategies to spread your story far and wide.

Focus on the heart of your business with Carol Abrahamson’s Fast-Track Your Book! 222 Book Types For Building Your Business & Brand That Require Less Writing

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Expire date:
July 25, 2024
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