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Adapting your Book into a Streaming TV Series Webinar (12 Months Access)

Adapting your Book into a Streaming TV Series Webinar (12 Months Access)

Learn from an industry expert the critical methods and best practices you need to convert your novel into an episodic series for one of today's major streaming platforms.
Value: $79.00
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Thank you for your interest in my webinar and I wish you good luck and happy writing!
Daniel Calvisi
Former Book Reader for major movie studios, Script Doctor for TV producers and author of Story Maps: TV Drama: The Structure of the One-Hour Television Pilot.

Product description

Learn the critical methods and best practices you need to convert your novel into an episodic series for today’s major streaming platforms.

Straight from a former top film studio Story Analyst paid to evaluate books for their potential to be hit movies, you’ll be taken step-by-step through the process of converting your novel or memoir into the structure of the hottest format in entertainment today: the streaming television series. If you have written a book you think has the potential to reach a new, massive audience via the streaming multiverse, this webinar is for you.


  • How to break down commercial narratives into their essential, industry-standard parts.
  • Examples using current hit shows.
  • A bonus Worksheet to map out your story, and a Sample Beat Sheet of a hit show to see the story map in action.

Take your story to the next level with Daniel Calvisi’s Adapting your Book into a Streaming TV Series Webinar.

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Level of Access:
12 Month Access
Expire date:
June 7, 2023
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