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21 Day Manifesting Challenge with Julie Geigle

21 Day Manifesting Challenge with Julie Geigle

Are you ready to uplevel your manifesting skills? Don't miss our next 21 Day Manifesting Challenge to supercharge your life and manifest more wealth, health, love and joy!
Value: $27.00
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Thank you for trusting me to be your Manifesting Guide! I am excited to help you get started on this manifesting journey to shift blocks and dissolve stuck energy so you can create the life you not only desire but deserve!
Julie Geigle
Julie Geigle is founder of Heaven Sent Healing. As a spiritual advisor and healer, she helps people end suffering and create a beautiful life.

Product description

Supercharge your life and manifest more wealth, health, love, and joy, today!

Whether you’re a newbie or a pro at manifesting, this program can help you bust through blocks and create a prosperous, abundant life. Over the course of three weeks, you’ll discover how to ignite the power of group consciousness, upgrade your manifesting skills, and create the life you desire and deserve.

In this 21 day challenge, you will learn how to:

  • Set clear and precise intentions that move you closer to your goals.
  • Create a strong, enduring connection with God, or your Divine.
  • Raise your vibrations and manifest the life you want.

Reprogram your subconscious mind and raise your vibration to attract more of what you want in only 15 minutes a day with Julie Geigle’s “21 Day Manifesting Challenge.”

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Level of Access:
12 Month Access
Expire date:
June 22, 2022
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