Discover the fun way to promote your book from within your comfort zone.

Imagine book promotion aligned perfectly with your comfort zone and the curious interests of your readers, imagine connecting with your audience in a way that lets your genuine, introverted self, shine through. After the hard work of writing your book and putting your heart and soul into your nonfiction masterpiece, comes the part that might seem a bit scary – promotion. But don’t worry, this can be a fun, creative expedition, not a daunting task. 

This treasure trove of promotional ideas includes:

Turn your promos into a playful game with Judy M. Baker’s The Unconventional Author’s Playbook: 25 Unique Promotion Ideas for your Nonfiction Book

Gain the skills and confidence to impress literary agents and publishers with your book proposal.

Designed to take you through each step of the proposal writing process, this printable PDF includes easy-to-follow instructions and helpful tips. You will learn how to effectively pitch your book idea, create an attention-grabbing overview, outline your chapters, and much more.

You’ll learn how to:

Get the ultimate resource for writing nonfiction with Jessica Leibe’s Book Proposal Workbook for Nonfiction

Learn to tell a story that inspires action and leaves the world a better place.

This 24-page workbook, designed by a certified nonfiction book coach is for anyone who has dedicated their time to solving the big problems of today and is ready to pass along their knowledge. You know your approach works, but you have been doing the work, not documenting it. You know you need to sit down and figure out how to explain it to readers and prove that it works. The written exercises and bonus audio messages will help you map your journey to where you are now and plan the route to your own book. 

In two hours you will uncover:

Define your book’s message with Dinah Laprairie’s Destination: Book – A book planning workbook for people who drive change

Everything romance authors need to know about finding, hiring, and working with freelance editors.

Are you an indie author looking to build a successful publishing team? Look no further than this comprehensive course on navigating the indie editor world. With insider knowledge and practical tips, you’ll learn how to find, hire, and work with freelance editors to take your books to the next level. You’ll also discover how to practice editing self-care and determine if a freelance editor relationship isn’t working out.

You’ll learn how to:

PLUS! Jen is available to answer your questions! Get all the details in this fabulous Masterclass!

Build your dream team with Jen Graybeal’s Indie Author’s Guide to Indie Editors

Bring your story and characters to life with the easy outline solution that guides and inspires writers.

Develop your story idea into a workable outline for your first draft with this easy guide that takes you through the stages of plotting, including a ton of information and examples to strengthen your story’s arc and theme. By the end, you’ll have a completed first draft based on the plot you’ve outlined and the characters you crafted.

You’ll be able to:

PLUS! Word count trackers, scene brainstorming pages, and mood trackers for each day.

Complete your first draft the streamlined way with Iris Marsh’s Easy Plotting & First Draft Planner

Bring your characters’ love story to life with this clever cheat sheet!

No matter what outlining method or story structure philosophy you subscribe to, you must establish three specific elements of an arc before you can understand your character’s journey – a heart-breaking backstory moment, a misguided way of thinking, and an epiphany. Coming back to these three elements when you’re in the thick of drafting can help you find your footing in the plot. Simply print out a copy for each of your story’s lovebirds, fill them out, and you’ll always have a lighthouse guiding you on your romance writing journey.


Keep your romance on track with Megan Fuentes’s Character Arc Sparker Worksheet

Understand how the decisions made and steps were taken during your book launch impact your post-publication success.

For the new author self-managing the publishing process, independently or otherwise, who wants to avoid common struggles.

Learn answers to these questions:

Know exactly what to do with your files and when with David Wogahns Countdown to Book Launch: What to Know When You’re Expecting Your First Book.

Plan a course that will build your bank account, build others’ trust in you and help you build a name in your industry.

Start building a valuable business asset you can launch & sell again & again–with little extra effort, for years to come!

You’ll learn how to:

Get an exact step-by-step process to follow to plan your course with Lord Al Jensen’s Next Stage Course Content Planner.

Get a good understanding of your personal finances in less than an hour.

Take advantage of this action-oriented course that will take you from not being aware of your financial picture to giving you the plan to begin winning life’s money challenges. A lot of people struggle with money and live paycheck to paycheck. This is not an income problem; it is usually a money management and knowledge problem.

This course will help you:

Get smart about what your money is doing with Caleb Basile’s The Money Course: Action Oriented Steps to Help You Accomplish Your Money Goals

Transform your relationship with money and unlock the way to your financial freedom with this empowering workbook.

There’s more to being financially free than having a lot of money. We all deserve prosperity, but negative thoughts and poor money habits can and will block our success.

In just 31 days, you’ll learn how to:

Resolve your money problems mindfully with Mari L. McCarthy’s Financial Freedom Journaling Challenge