Luis’s Crypto Bot Profits Blueprint Program is the best crypto bot program ever created to help aspiring crypto investors build and grow an automated cash flow generating bot.  

Leveraging automation and technology, Luis has created a simple framework that his students can implement to quickly, set up, and launch crypto trading bots.  The program includes a standardized approach that is easy to learn and understand and walks you through step by step. It includes done-for-you strategies, in addition to a bullet-proof risk management model that even total beginners can implement to protect their principle while earning. 

The best part is, after the initial setup and curriculum, students have little to no involvement necessary to maintain and upkeep. This is the dream opportunity for anyone with the desire to build wealth faster leveraging crypto currencies and also create a semi-passive income stream that does not require starting and growing a business.

Increase your trading success in 7 days with the world’s most popular power trading patterns.

Increase your trading success immediately using the techniques of the Pro Price Action strategy and become a better trader instantly. Perfect for both new and seasoned traders, this program is designed for anyone who wants to learn how to read conflicting signals when making trades with Forex, Stocks, and Cryptocurrency and make more money doing it.

You’ll learn:

Start trading price action like a pro with Casey Stubbs’ Pro Price Action Course by Trading Strategy Guides

Make your writing dreams happen and get your book published now.

Write and publish the book you’ve been talking about forever using industry insider tips and tricks from this training program.

You’ll learn:

PLUS, Megan will reveal the #1 mistake that most authors are making without even realizing it!

Find out how to make your book dreams happen with Megan Zavala’s Author Power Pack

Launch your digital products and never struggle to sell your products again.

Establish yourself as a niche expert and boost your blog’s profitability with these two training programs.

You’ll be able to:

Launch your digital products like a pro and get the blogging advantage with Sarah Arrow’s Business Blogging Masterclass + Launch Pro bundle

Ignite your dreams for happiness and joy with the ultimate guide to tapping into your inherent power.

Unlock this valuable toolbox to help you design life on your terms, feel empowered, and have more resilience. This program will help you identify and strategically work on different areas of your life that impact your level of happiness. By the end of 12 weeks, you’ll have a solid plan and path of how to design and actively create happiness as you move forward in your life.

You’ll discover how you can:

Raise your energy and mojo with Pamela Sylvan’s The Happiness Workbook – 12-Week Program

Supercharge your confidence, image, and flirting style with this 21-day program to unlock your personal style, charisma, and magnetism.

If you’re exhausted from meaningless conversations that go nowhere or make little connection, wish you had more confidence to flirt or step into the spotlight, then these practical tools you’ll get over the course of 21 days will not only help you develop a new sexy, confident image but strengthen you emotionally, mentally, and physically.

You will learn:

Make your next connection memorable with Kimmy Seltzer’s Creating A Sexy Confident First Impression: 21 Days to Hook the Look and Seal the Deal

Reclaim the long-lost masculine power to unleash a fulfilling relationship, master sexual desire, and thrive in work.

Learn how to activate your masculine superpower with a discovery of what the universal principles of masculinity are and how to be a man in the 21st century. You’ll release negative patterns and habits blocking your masculine power, activate your masculine fire, harness your sexual energy, move toward a thriving life, and expand your masculine consciousness and presence in the world. Designed to be easily digestible with bitesize videos each day, with lecture training, practice exercise, and meditation.


Feel more confident, manly, empowered, and successful with Steffo Shambo’s Activating Your Masculine Power

Get the scientifically proven way to replace body fat with rock-hard muscle in just a few minutes per workout.

Build muscle, shed fat, and increase strength with this complete 28-day done-for-you training protocol featuring metabolic resistance training. You’ll get follow-along workout videos, coaching, and everything you need to build lean muscle while you burn fat. No matter what your age, if you have 24-minutes to spare, 3x a week, and a set of dumbbells, you’ll be able to chisel a lean, muscular, and athletic physique you’ll be proud to show off.

You’ll be able to:

Feel strong, tough, and capable to take on any task with Funk Roberts’s Metabolic Muscle Home Dumbbell 28-Day Workout Program

Make more money with these practical steps to get salary increases and bonuses, even if you’ve never asked for a raise before.

Do you want to get a raise at work but aren’t sure how to go about it, or are afraid you’ll do it wrong? Then you need these 7 practical steps you can use to help you ask for a raise the right way. You’ll also learn about Raise Stoppers that could hold you back and what you can do to prevent and deal with them.

You’ll learn how:

Be valued for the work you do with Laura Browne’s How To Get A Raise At Work Course – 7 Practical Steps To Make More Money