Your Self-Publishing Score:


You have a 70% likelihood of earning $100k / yr self-publishing.

If you’ve got a vision of creating a highly profitable author business that allows you to do what you love, get paid to make a positive impact in the world, and gives you the freedom to live life on your own terms, you’re well on your way….’re just going to need a plan that gives you a clear path and shows you what to do (and in what order), so you can implement your plan as quickly as possible.

Going from $0 - $100,000 / year from your writing and self-publishing requires the exact same process as creating a highly profitable business. 

That is: a great product (your book) that people want to buy (read, and share) & a marketing vehicle to take that great product to market. Currently, you may have an idea, but no vehicle, which means your book sales and author business profits will be hindered (or you’ll only ever just scrape by).

The great news is, there’s a way to generate consistent, ongoing books sales and turbocharge your author business profits using our proprietary Book Profits Accelerator strategy.

To Reach & Exceed $100,000 + Per Year In Author Business Profits, You’ll Need:

A clear understanding of your ideal reader and target market
A professionally edited manuscript
Professional book formatting
Professional cover design
Your book published on Amazon / all major book marketplaces
Optimized Amazon SEO
A website + blog or podcast where you publish content consistently
A book sales page (independent of Amazon)
A compelling Call to Action inside your book
An irresistible lead magnet
An email autoresponder that sells your book (and more) on autopilot
Additional products to sell beyond your book
A formula for consistently and predictably attracting new readers
A proven method for attracting and converting leads into your business
An evergreen sales funnel for your books and other offers
A mentor and guide with a proven track record to help you achieve your goals
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Now that you have your starting point, you’re well on your way to growing your author business by 6 & 7 figures.

However, knowing exactly how to plan out and implement a complete “author engine” book marketing and sales system that will help you leverage your book to reach your sales targets and grow your profit in the shortest amount of time, while allowing you to scale (without burning cash on ads or other book marketing gimmicks), can be tiring & a lot of “guesswork.”

Just imagine being personally coached through a complete, custom action plan, in a simple to follow & even easier-to-implement way, that gives you the exact steps and proven strategies that are guaranteed to save you time & money, and that will put you on the path to a lucrative, hyper profitable, and infinitely scalable author business.

Does this sound like a solid plan to you?

If so, click here to get started:
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