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Your seat is saved! Please check your inbox to confirm your registration to: "THRILL ME! Crafting Bestselling Fiction in Today’s Competitive Marketplace"

Save The Date: Thursday, October 5th at 4pm Los Angeles | 5pm Denver | 6pm Chicago | 7pm New York City | 12am London | Friday, 9am Sydney

Discover the simple and easily implemented secrets to crafting bestselling commercial fiction including dialogue,description, pacing and more... 

You'll learn;

  1. How to establish the story goal, conflict and structure
  2. Outline options: Including Story Engine, Snowflake, Save the Cat, Hero's Journey and more
  3. Voice, Pacing, Dialouge and Description

Plus, student hot seats and an in depth Q and A session 

IMPORTANT! Add this event to your calendar now:

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One last thing!

In order to ensure you receive your link to the live training (plus your bonus materials!), make sure to add to your safe sender list (click here for whitelist instructions).

Here's to your continued success!