Create changes in your external reality in as little as 24 hours!

Everyone feels stuck at some point or the other in their personal or professional lives but if the stuckness persists, it starts becoming a block. Over time a block becomes bigger and more blockages show up, including pain, illness, and disease. Get unstuck with the power of this fast-working Word Medicine called The Decrees.

You will:

Go from pain to peace with Nidhu B Kapoor’s Get UNstuck IN Minutes!

Cultivate deep contentment, a higher vibration, and end the grip of fear.

Discover a transformative blueprint for achieving a life of deep contentment, beyond external achievements. This audio program, perfect for both novices on the path to self-love and advanced practitioners seeking inner silence and fulfillment, guides you through the challenges of life with grace and ease. With six enlightening modules and six bonus sessions from world-renowned experts, you’ll explore the power of obstacles as gifts, the end of fear, and your unique role on Earth, leading you towards a journey home to love.

You will:

Embrace a life of flow with Debra Poneman’s Seeds for Your Soul: A Life Beyond Happy.

Hook readers with conflict-rich trope twists they’ll love.

Learn the secret power of tropes to forge deep emotional connections with readers. Ideal for various stages of writing, from brainstorming to character development and revision, it teaches you how to twist familiar tropes to create engaging, conflict-rich narratives that resonate with your audience across genres like romance, mystery, and science fiction.

You’ll learn how to:

Craft your best stories with Jennifer Hilt’s Trope Thesaurus Audiobook.

Discover how to maximize tropes to create a swoon-worthy story readers will love!

Explore examples from popular romance books, movies, and series that show how goal, motivation, and conflict create the relationships readers crave. With over forty examples of specific romance tropes plus a romance subgenres section, you’ll soon know how use tropes to craft your best story.

You’ll learn how to:

Transform your storytelling approach with Jennifer Hilt’s The Trope Thesaurus Romance Audiobook

Reprogram your subconscious mind to quickly gain mastery in all areas of your life.

With just 19 minutes a day of regular use, this hypnosis audio is the closest thing you can have next to having Patrick Wanis as your personal life coach. Get ready to live the powerful, positive, confident life you want!

Supreme Male Confidence helps you:

Create positive and dramatic results in your life with Dr. Patrick Wanis’s Supreme Male Confidence Hypnosis

Discover how to draft out your next full book in just one day.

There’s a book inside you. But if you’re like most people, the task of writing it gets pushed aside day by day until the weeks become years. But what if you could draft your book in a single day? Would that help you reach your goal of becoming a published author? You bet it would!

Learn writing and drafting techniques from a high-output author who’s published more than 80 books and audiobooks in less than two years. Before you know it, you too will draft a book in a single day!

Draft your books faster with Liv Montgomery’s Draft a Book in a Day Audiobook.

Reprogram your subconscious mind to quickly gain mastery in all areas of your life.

With just 19 minutes a day of regular use, this hypnosis audio is the closest thing you can have next to having Patrick Wanis as your personal life coach. Get ready to live the powerful, positive, confident life you want!

Supreme Male Confidence helps you:

Create positive and dramatic results in your life with Dr. Patrick Wanis’s Supreme Male Confidence Hypnosis.

Unlock the abundance, prosperity, and joy that is your Divine birthright!

In less than 30 minutes, you can learn how to gently transform your mind and energetically align yourself with your Divinely Rich Self to help you attract real-world money opportunities and create immense joy and well-being in your life right now. If money’s been a struggle and real joy and well-being have eluded you, you may have inadvertently pinched off the flow of all kinds of abundance meant for you because of what you’ve observed, what others have told you, or through hard life lessons.

Big money, fantastic opportunities, amazing relationships, incredible joy, and well-being – all the things that make up your dream life – can only happen if your abundance “pipeline” is clear, open, and flowing freely. This process uses Akashic Records, NLP, and mindset transformation techniques to help you call in real-world money opportunities, joy, and abundance of all kinds.

You’ll get mentally and energetically aligned with your Divinely Rich and Abundant Self who:

Create more financial abundance, joy, and well-being in your life with Christine Parma’s Divine Wealth and Abundance Activation.

Use this powerful meditation to remove the blocks that prevent you from receiving all of the prosperity and abundance you want and deserve.

Many of us are great at giving but are terrible receivers. It’s time to change that! Manifesting abundance requires both giving and believing you deserve to receive. This guided meditation will help you to unblock yourself and fully open yourself up to abundance, prosperity, and everything you deserve. Use this guided meditation any time you feel stuck, blocked, or want to receive more guidance, prosperity, healing, love, and happiness.

This 16-minute meditation will guide you to:

Manifest more abundance, support, guidance, joy, and financial success into your life with Shakti Sutriasa’s Receive Everything You Desire.

Clear limiting beliefs with this powerful, proven tool to open yourself to unlimited abundance.

In this engaging series of four one-hour teleclass recordings, success mindset expert Brad Yates takes you through experiential exercises to clear internal blocks to greater wealth, and enhance your ability to create the life you truly desire. As you build a more successful mindset, you will find that success becomes more natural – in finances as well as other areas of your life. As you clear limiting beliefs, you will see yourself more profoundly as someone worthy of abundance, and will more naturally make choices and take actions that result in greater prosperity!

In this series, you’ll:

Shift your path from lack to abundance with Brad Yate’s Tapping into Prosperity Consciousness.